How to clean a bowling ball at home

Having a clean bowling ball is important. After all, a dirty or grimy ball won’t roll smoothly and can make you lose points. Nevertheless, taking it to the alley for a professional cleaning adds up over time. The good news is that you can get your ball sparkling clean right at home with simple steps and basic household items. This guide will show you how.

  • A plastic ball cleaner or rejuvenator made for bowling balls (available at most bowling pro shops)
  • A couple of clean rags or microfiber cloths
  • Mild dish soap
  • White vinegar
  • A spray bottle
  • A small bucket or basin
  • A ball rag or shammy designed for bowling balls

That’s it! With just those standard things you likely have around the house already, your ball will be fresh and clean in no time.

  1. To begin with, start by wiping down the entire surface of the ball to remove any obvious dirt, oil, or grime using a dry rag or cloth. This initial wipe-down gets rid of built-up nastiness before the deep clean.
  2. Next, mix a solution of warm water and a few drops of mild dish soap in the small bucket or basin. After that, dip the shammy or ball rag into the soapy water until damp but not soaked. Gently wipe down the entire ball using the damp shammy, applying light pressure.
  3. Now it’s time to use that plastic ball cleaner or rejuvenator. Follow the instructions on the bottle, but typically you’ll want to put a small amount onto a dry rag and spread it evenly across the surface of the ball.
  4. Let the cleaner sit for 2-3 minutes to work its magic on any stuck-on gunk. Meanwhile, during this time, mix up a spray solution of 1 part white vinegar to 1 part water in your spray bottle.
  5. Then, spritz the vinegar solution across the ball and let it sit briefly. The vinegar will help break down oil, dirt, and grime.
  6. After that, using a fresh, clean rag or cloth, wipe down the entire ball to remove the cleaner, vinegar solution, and any lingering grime. Apply firm pressure and clean in circular motions.
  7. In addition, for any remaining stuck-on stains or marks, make a baking soda paste by mixing a small amount of baking soda and water. Gently scrub this over the stain using a lightly damp rag, then wipe clean.
  8. Finally, give the ball one final wipe down and buff it with a clean, dry cloth to remove any streaks and restore the shine.

That’s it – your bowling ball should look good as new! Nevertheless, don’t stop there…

  • First, use a shammy every few frames to wipe away oil and grime during bowling sessions
  • In addition, avoid setting the ball directly on dirty surfaces like lane floors or rental shoes
  • Moreover, store the ball in a vented, breathable bowling ball bag or case when not in use
  • Most importantly, clean your ball thoroughly every 10-12 games using the steps above

Frequently Asked Questions

For optimal performance, clean your ball thoroughly every 10-12 games or twice per bowling session using the steps outlined above. During games, wipe it down with a shammy or dry bowling ball every few frames.

No! Standard household cleaners are too harsh and can damage the protective coating, cover stock material, and embedded weight blocks inside the ball. Instead, stick to bowling ball-specific cleaners and mild dish soap.

For set-in stains, make a baking soda paste and gently scrub the area, then wipe clean with a damp cloth. On the other hand, for heavier oxidation, you may need to have the ball professionally resurfaced.

Not! The intense heat, water pressure, and detergent can severely damage a bowling ball’s core and coverstocks. Therefore, clean by hand only using the safe methods described in this guide.

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